Call for Submissions: PhD Series

In an increasingly complex world, interactions between governance levels are multiplying - with regional integration and cooperation needed to tackle regional and transborder policy challenges.
Fresh perspectives, ideas and knowledge lie at the core of understanding and coping with this changing world order. Envisioned as a confluence of such ideas, UNU-CRIS invites academics and researchers across the world to participate in its PhD Series. This series encourages pariticipation from researchers who have recently defended their PhD projects to ensure the addition of latest, original research in the areas of multilateralism and regionalism.
The broad aim of this initiative is to gather and share knowledge on the current debates and discussions around regional integration, regional governance and multilateralism by showcasing new original research in the areas. To facilitate this goal, the PhD Series will serve as a platform for researchers who have recently defended their PhD projects, to briefly present their main findings through a blog publication on the UNU-CRIS website.
These publications will be amplified across UNU-CRIS’ social media channels (LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) and featured in our newsletter.
Interested contributors are invited to contact with in CC with the following information:
Title of PhD thesis
Topic Summary
Blog publication (800 words)
Any queries or clarifications may also be sent to the above-mentioned contact points.
Download the guidelines for the blog submission here: