Philippe De Lombaerde delivers Lecture on Measuring Regional Integration

On 14 January 2025, Philippe De Lombaerde will deliver a lecture on “Measuring Regional Integration” at the Summer Course on Regional Cooperation and Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by the Institute of International Studies (IEI) of the University of Chile.
The objective of the summer course is to provide an introduction to regional cooperation and integration in Latin America and the Caribbean, covering some of the most relevant cases. During the course, the most important regional concertation, cooperation and integration organizations will be analyzed, including Mercosur, Andean Community, Pacific Alliance, Consensus of Brasilia, CARICOM, and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States. The conditions of their emergence, institutional design and results, as well as the challenges and opportunities they are facing in their international insertion and relations with the great extra-regional powers, will be explored.
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