Phillipe De Lombaerde Gives Keynote Address at the 'Multi-Level Governance at the Core of the Future EU' Seminar in Barcelona

04 April 2022

UNU-CRIS Director Philippe De Lombaerde gave the keynote address at the Multi-Level Governance at the Core of the Future EU: Current Challenges for a Successful Green Transition in the EU seminar, held in Barcelona on 4 April and organised by DIPLOCAT and the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to the European Union.

The seminar was organised as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe (#CoFoE), the public forum organised by the European Union to encourage citizens' participation in the debate on Europe's priorities and key challenges.

In his address titled How various levels of governance can work together to tackle the most pressing issues of the EU, Director De Lombaerde began by outlining the conceptual framework on multi-level governance, emphasising that the study of multi-level governance is not only about the multiple levels but also multiple actors and briefly touching upon the concepts of subsidiarity and multistakeholderim, before outling how to connect multi-level governance with the ecological transition and other key pressing issues facing the European Union.

You can watch the full keynote speech and following roundtable here

The full programme is available to view here.