Regional Focus on Water Security

17 December 2021

The regional seminar on water challenges in Latin America will bring together more than 15 institutions working across the global to local levels to discuss multifaceted aspects of water security in the region. Despite the region being water-rich, the impact of climate change is unevenly distributed and exacerbates the risks of scarcity and flooding for states and communities. Furthermore, the lack of inclusive governance support systems for ensuring water security for people, ecosystems, and economic development requires existing knowledge gaps to be bridged, and data/information needs are prioritised. 

Collaboration and collective action are key to organising fitting knowledge for informed and inclusive water governance, and to achieve the vision of water security that means that people have access to water in sufficient quantity and quality, ecosystems are protected, and civil/social stability is maintained while cross-border water management conflicts are resolved.

In addition, the discussion will also contribute to the ongoing regional discourse on water-related 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development goals and targets and the human right to access to water and sanitation. Facing stark challenges to achieve water security, states and communities are undertaking major efforts to address climate change adaptation, rapid urbanization, and disaster risk management, and this seminar aims to bring all of these notions together. 

For more information, contact Nidhi Nagabhatla:

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