Role of the European Union in Global HealthFacebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Author(s): LiesSteurs Remcovan de Pas KristofDecoster SarahDelputte JanOrbie Publication Date: 23 August 2017Publisher: ElsevierPublication Language: ENAppearing in: The Lancet Global HealthVolume: 5Issue: 8Pages: E756-E756Copyright Year: 2017URL: Elsevier Other articles by these authors 2023Editorial: Decolonizing Rather than Decentring ‘Europe’ 2021Participation of Civil Society in EU Trade Policy Making: How Inclusive is Inclusion? 2021Forging Their Path in the Brussels Bubble? Civil Society Resistance within the Domestic ... 2021Shielded against Risk? European Donor Co-ordination in Palestine. 2021Shielded against Risk? European Donor Co-ordination in Palestine. Recent Articles 2024Holding on until the Barrel is Empty? Algeria's Bumpy Trajectory towards a Post-Rentier State 2024Transboundary Aquifer Management Across the Americas: Hydro-Diplomacy as an Accelerator of ... 2024Revisiting the Sustainability Science Research Agenda