Transatlantic Paradiplomacy Scholars Forum

27 September 2023


UNU-CRIS (Belgium), University of Lodz (Poland), Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas and Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico)

are pleased to invite you to:


Transatlantic Paradiplomacy Scholars Forum

A meeting focused on the research topic of international activities of regions and cities.

The Forum aims to provide a platform for researchers interested in paradiplomacy to connect, share, their work, and establish a network of colleagues in this field. The meeting will be conducted online via MS Teams,  ensuring easy access for participants from around the globe. This virtual gathering will allow researchers to interact, learn from one another, and foster collaborations regardless of geographical constraints.

The objectives of the Forum are as follows:

Facilitate Knowledge Exchange

  • The Forum will allow the scholars to present the ongoing work, recent findings, and methodologies related to paradiplomacy research. It will promote a deeper understanding of various approaches and stimulate insightful discussions.

Foster Networking Opportunities

  • The meeting will provide a platform for participants to connect, exchange ideas, and potentially collaborate on future projects since building a strong network of colleagues engaged in paradiplomacy research is vital for advancing the field.

Encourage Interdisciplinary Perspectives

  • Paradiplomacy is a multidimensional field that intersects with various disciplines. By bringing together researchers from different backgrounds, the Forum will give a chance to explore interdisciplinary perspectives, encouraging innovative approaches to studying and understanding paradiplomacy.


We invite you to participate in this meeting by presenting your work,
sharing your insights, and actively engaging in the discussions.


This meeting is to be less formal - we want to get to know each other and “break the ice”. Therefore, we would like to propose to divide the Forum into three parts:


  1. Let's get to know each other: 5-minute presentations about my/our research (individual or team presentations): Europe
  2. Let's get to know each other: 5-minute presentations about my/our research (individual or team presentations): Americas
  3. Future cooperation (discussions on, e.g., a joint publication of Handbook on paradiplomacy, opportunities to formalise cooperation networks, planning an on-site meeting in 2024).


If you want to participate in the Forum and present your research, please indicate your interest by 10 September 2023 by filling in the MS Forms: 

We encourage contributions from both early-career researchers and established experts.

Please feel free to forward this invitation to any colleagues who may be interested in attending this online meeting, attracted to getting to know the paradiplomacy researchers and establishing a network.

We look forward to your presence and contribution to this event!

Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers.

Contact person: Dr. Joanna Ciesielska-Klikowska, University of Lodz:



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