Transforming our World, Achieving a Sustainable Development Model – The 2030 Agenda and the EU

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted in September 2015, sets out the framework for achieving, by 2030, a sustainable development model where no one is left behind and where planetary boundaries are respected. The 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals are universal as they apply to all countries at all levels of development.
Following its adoption, the European Union committed itself to a transformative programme, which could potentially turn the current unsustainable ‘growth-at-any-cost’ economic model into a sustainable one based on the clear supremacy of human rights over the economic privileges of vested interest groups. This will require measures and policies that tackle the current major global challenges such as growing inequalities; the biased trade and investment strategies and growing corporates’ power; the shrinking funding for development cooperation. The nine contributions collected in the present book provide some ideas on how to tackle some of these challenges.
It is time for the EU to move from vision to action.
This publication is the result of a joint initiative of FEPS, the S&D group and SOLIDAR, which offers, through the Progressive Lab for Sustainable Development, a space to stimulate young researchers and embrace both policy and academic expertise.