UNU-CRIS is Supporting the Project ‘WATERAGRI: Water Retention and Nutrient Recycling in Soils and Streams for Improved Agricultural Production’
UNU CRIS is supporting the project ‘WATERAGRI: Water Retention and Nutrient Recycling in Soils and Streams for Improved Agricultural Production’ (funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme grant agreement No 8583) and focuses on the European Region and in her role as the advisory committee member of the project and attending 8th General Assembly & 9th Executive Board meeting April 19-20, 2023 in Budapest. Noting WATERAGRI project aims to enhance sustainable water retention and nutrient recycling solutions in agriculture to ensure food security and climate resilience. Traditional and nature-based solutions are discussed promoting sustainable practices and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Nidhi Nagabhatla, the Nature, Climate and Health Cluster Coordinator at UNU-CRIS, is supporting the project for science-policy interface agenda and in this workshop will coordinate the policy brief workshop on ‘water and food security and the gender nexus in the EU region’ challenges and opportunities.
More about the project: https://wateragri.eu/