UNU-CRIS will Lead a Session /Discussion at Bonn AI & Climate 2024 and an Event Coordinated by UNU-EHS in collaboration with UNFCCC Technology Mechanism

01 July 2024

This Expert Meeting on AI & Climate will discuss a range of topics, including regulating AI for climate purposes by establishing regulatory frameworks, discussing how regulations can ensure the ethical and safe use of AI in climate action, the need for setting standards for data security, privacy, and the responsible use of AI technologies. UNU event will also add to the discourse of facilitating equitable access to bridge the digital divide by ensuring that vulnerable regions and people have access to AI technologies. There is a need to promote inclusive policies that support the deployment of AI in all sectors, so the UNU CRIS session will focus on the application of AI in disaster risk governance and related health outcomes, mainly mental health.

The session details that will be chaired by Dr. Nidhi Nagabhatla can be accessed at this pdf.

For further information, please click here.