Research Intern
32 50 47 13 02
Biographical Statement 

Laura Tedde holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from LUISS Guido Carli University, during her internship she was enrolled in the last year of a Master of Arts in International Relations and Global Studies. Her Bachelor’s thesis in EU Law concerns the Common Agricultural Policy and its effects on the development of rural areas, particularly in Sardinia.

Previously, Laura Tedde attended the “International Migration and Public Policy” Summer School at the London School of Economics and spent a semester abroad at the University of Macao. She also participated in MUN-NY as a representative of the Russian Federation to the CESCR committee and as a representative of Serbia to the UNHCR during MUN-Rome.

At UNU-CRIS Laura Tedde conducted a research internship in the context of the research programme “The United Nations and Regional Public Goods”, working specifically on the AMIREG project under the supervision of Dr. Sara Salomone for a period of three months.