The United Nations and Regional Public Goods

Preventing global challenges such as climate change, terrorism, violent conflict and poverty needs global collaboration, in the framework of international institutions. However, regional institutions may effectively contribute to such aims. In 2015 the United Nations launched its new strategic development agenda in which it formally categorised and defined what it perceived to be the preeminent global public goods into seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including ending poverty and hunger, ensuring access to adequate health and educational services, and building stable and strong institutions. Regions can play an integral part in the realisation of the SDGs.
Linkages between supranational integration schemes and global institutions vary in scope, breadth and intensity. This can lead to political, institutional and operational challenges that impact on the attainment and maintenance of regional peace and stability.
This research programme has the following objectives:
- to study how different regional integration schemes contribute to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) enshrined in the UN 2030 Agenda;
- to analyze how specific SDGs, such as ‘Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions’ (SDG 16) can be attained and how regional organisations contribute towards the achievement and maintenance of peace and stability;
- to analyze the role of United Nations peace missions and collaboration with regional integration schemes (e.g. African Union, European Union, etc.);
- to offer advice and assistance, to regional organisations and other actors to realize the SDGs.
Related Projects
Recently closed projects in this programme:
- African Migration: Root Causes and Regulatory Dynamics (AMIREG)
- UNESCO-UNU Chair on Regional Integration, Migration and Free Movement of People
- Globalisation, Regionalisation and Socio-Economic Inequality (GRESI)
- Poverty Reduction and Regional Integration (PRARI)
Other activities:
- Assessing the Role of Regional Organisations under Chapter VIII of the UN Charter in the Twenty-First Century