Joint ITIM-UNU-CRIS Seminar by Els Bekaert on Climatic or Environmental Factors Shaping Mobility and Immobility Patterns around the World

21 October 2022

The ITIM Research Group at Ghent University in collaboration with UNU-CRIS is organising the Breakfast Seminar by Els Bekaert.

Abstract: This research project identifies two major research lines related to (i) climate immobility and (ii) the climate change-migration-health(care) nexus, which both are understudied in the literature. The project innovatively contributes to our understanding of the climatic or environmental factors shaping mobility and immobility patterns around the world, as well as the implications of such (im)mobility for the health and use/access to healthcare of migrants and receiving communities.

This is a closed event. 

Fur further information, please contact Ruben Dewitte ( and Pascale Vantorre in cc (