UNU-CRIS Strategic Plan 2017 - 2021 is now available online!

UNU-CRIS focuses on the provision of global and regional public goods, and on processes and consequences of intra- and interregional integration. The Institute aims to generate policy-relevant knowledge about new patterns of governance and cooperation, and build capacity on a global and regional level. UNU-CRIS acts as a resource for the United Nations system, with strong links to other United Nations bodies dealing with the provision and management of international and regional public goods.
The Institute aspires to be a hub of academic excellence, creating synergies between its two partner universities and developing into an active and international center of research focused on the aims and activities of the United Nations. UNU-CRIS focuses its research on the search for new and stable patterns of governance in a variety of policy fields, including environmental policy, trade, economic policies and migration, in a regional and global context.
It considers the tensions between globalization and regionalization, assesses the potential that regionalization has for the creation of peace and stability, and explores the evolving relationship between globalization, nation-statehood and democracy. This Strategic Plan details the mission and vision of UNU-CRIS, its current initiatives and goals as well as those for the medium-term future. It describes how the vision of UNU-CRIS will be achieved through a five-year strategic plan during the period 2017-2021. The overarching plan is broken down into smaller actions, targets and expected outcomes.
The UNU-CRIS Strategic Plan is organized as follows: Section 1 of this document provides the background to the Strategic Plan.The vision and mission of UNU-CRIS is presented in Section 2. Section 3 discusses the strategic objectives for the period 2017-2021. Section 4 lays out the implementation strategy and lists preliminary key performance indicators as well as a more detailed timeline.