UNU-CRIS takes part at High Level Event focusing on LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN

02 December 2022

UNU CRIS is invited to provide reflections on Transboundary Water Security at the SECOND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TRANSBOUNDARY WATERS IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN" event of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and support of international cooperation entities.

Nidhi Nagabhatla, UNU-CRIS Senior Research Fellow, who also serves as a guest Professor at Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia will join us as a panelist on December 2 during the session "Challenges for Cross-Border Cooperation in the Context of the Climate Crisis".  In this section, there will be presentations by representatives of organizations and institutions including the  Secretariat of the Global High-Level Panel on Water & Peace, the Geneva Water Hub, the  Secretariat of the Water Convention, and representatives of organizations involved in global water governance. In her intervention, Dr. Nagabhatla will cover three key points

  1. Interface between water and climate crises- building collective resilience for shared water systems and message from COP27
  2. Transboundary water security- challenges and optimizes, with a focus on the Amazon region
  3. The future of cross-border water governance in times of climate emergency and geopolitical volatility -leveraging regional integration and collective goals like the SDGs

The Symposium will feature ministerial representatives from the region in the sector of water, environmental climate, and external affairs who will provide reflections on the regional progress on water security in shared water systems. Taking note of the upcoming UN Water Conference (scheduled March 2023- https://sdgs.un.org/sites/default/files/2021-11/Vision_Statement_UN2023_Water_Conference.pdf)

And UN-Water Decade 2018-2028 (https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N18/460/07/PDF/N1846007.pdf?OpenElement) implementation of this event will serve as a strategic exercise to take stock of gaps and needs  toward achieving ‘water security for all

To learn more about the event: please contact Nidhi Nagabhatla.