UNU-CRIS Visits the Flemish Institute of Marine Sciences (VLIZ)

On Friday 16 September, UNU-CRIS personnel visited the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in Ostend.
The UNU-CRIS contingent was welcomed by Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet, the director of International Relations at VLIZ, who gave the group an overview of VLIZ's activities, its history, and its international partnerships and impact.

The group then heard presentations from some of its national and international partners in the building, including the European Marine Board and the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of the "Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission" (IOC) of UNESCO.

The visit, the first to the newly opened InnovOcean Campus, provided an opportunity for both exchange, between researchers working on issues of climate, health and water management, and a learning opportunity for UNU-CRIS' other researchers and personnel, on the vital importance of the ocean and how VLIZ and its partners are doing internationally renowned research.

You can learn more about VLIZ, its mission and activities at https://www.vliz.be/en/