UNU-CRIS supports the WATERAGRI Project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme [Grant Agreement No 858375)

27 October 2023

This initiative focuses on bridging the gap between science and policy. The project's primary goal is to introduce and enhance sustainable water retention and nutrient recycling solutions in the EU region. These solutions are aimed at ensuring agricultural production can meet the needs of growing populations while addressing the challenges posed by current and future climate change.

To achieve this, the project team worked on developing traditional drainage and irrigation methods and nature-based solutions, including integrated constructed wetlands, bio-inspired drainage systems, and sustainable flood retention basins within the agricultural landscape. These measures are expected to improve water and nutrient retention in the European Region significantly.

Dr. Nidhi Nagabhatla, as a member of the project's advisory board, will actively participate in a workshop in Bologna, Italy, this week to contribute to shaping evidence-based policy messages to guide the project in achieving its objectives.

UNU-CRIS supports the team in advancing sustainable agricultural practices and addressing the EU region's critical water and land management challenges.

More information to be consulted here.